Help for Ukraine
The Czech Ministry of the Interior has set up a telephone line for citizens of Ukraine, which operates on a 24/7 basis at: +420 974 801 802 and at the e‑mail address
![Ukrajina – vlajka](/assets/20220228_125516.jpg)
All foreigners must register
For these purposes, a new assistance centre has been established in Ostrava. This is where health insurance is to be obtained upon registration. People can also learn anything they need about accommodation.
Assistance Centre
Dr. Malého 1356/17, Ostrava
Do you want to help Ukraine?
We appreciate offers and expressions of a willingness to help made by individuals; however, at this point, we have to coordinate our assistance with organisations that are experienced in this type of activity and have the necessary contacts – simply put, organisations that know how to ensure that donations reach the people in need in a war situation. That is why we are not setting up any regional collection point or collection of our own in the region at the moment.
Organisations coordinating help for Ukraine
- (in Czech and Ukrainian only) – website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic coordinating offers and requests for help for Ukraine
- – list of organisations coordinating humanitarian aid for Ukraine, both financial and in-kind.
- Pomáhej Ukrajině (in Czech only) – a single point where people can offer help in various areas (accommodation, interpreting, tutoring, etc.)
- Stojíme za Ukrajinou – a single point where people can offer help in various areas
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm