The Moravian-Silesian Region is, regarding the folk culture, a simultaneously interesting and complex area, due to the marriage of the ethnographic regions of Kravařsko, Lachia, Wallachia, Odersko Těšínska, Hlučínska, Opava, Krnov, Bruntál, and the Ostrava area, formerly parts of the Sudetenland. At the same time it is a distinctive region because, not only can the borders of three countries be found here – the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, but in these border areas the historically developed section of the population use specific dialect based on a combination of Czech, Slovak, Polish and German. This serves to create an ethnographically diverse character within the region as a result of its rich cultural and ethnographic history left by our ancestors.

An integral part of care for traditional folk culture is represented by folklore groups and cultural associations that present, preserve and transmit the local manifestations of traditional folk culture, local customs, annual customs and family events. Folklore groups and clubs are supported from the regional budget mainly through grant programs and certain subsidies.

Masters of Traditional Handicrafts in the Moravian-Silesian Region
This title is awarded to those who seek to maintain the knowledge and skills necessary for the operation of traditional handicraft technologies, effectively and professionally and introduce and pass them on to future generations. Holders of this title have the right to use this in order to give their products a special designation. Current holders of this title, for example, produce white hand embroidery also using plastic and metal, or work with textile waste – resulting in a unique production of slippers called ’bandura’. ’Bandura’ are traditional slippers from the Beskydy area made with scraps of felt from hats. Several holders of this title work with wood and produce ’mountain characters’ in costumes, nativity statuettes and kitchen utensils using a chiselling technique. Among the winners are also traditional culinary artisans, producing festive cakes called ’Hnětky’ pushed into molds such that a cross forms in the middle. ’Hnětky’ belong to a group of larger cakes called lopaťáky (Frgál), but unlike them, these cakes have a square shape.
The Moravian-Silesian Region is also known for its exeptionally good, traditional cuisine.
Useful information:
- Moravian-Silesian traditions on Czech Tourism website
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm